Developing Countries should adopt Article 12B of the UN Model as their own Pillar
Should Developing Countries Go Ahead with Amount A MLC?
UN STTR Better Option over OECD STTR for Developing Countries
UN Secretary-General Report on International Tax Cooperation - What Lies Ahead?
United Nations Intergovernmental Process is meant for developing countries
Analyzing IBC Tweaks Proposed by MCA
The Two-Pillar Solution to stimulate APAs
Apex Court Verdict in Vidarbha Industries - Adding to IBC Woes?
Why are Lord Ram and Lord Krishna thinking differently?
Pillar Two must Align with India's FDI Vision
Insolvency Professionals – An IBC Pillar Whose Systemic Support Needs Upgradation
Combat COVID-19 impact through APAs
MAP delayed is MAP denied
India's Status under the MLI: A Statistical Summary
Interaction of IIR with CFC and Tax-sparing Provisions
IBC and its Impact on the Indian Economy - An Overview
Combatting Tax Treaty Abuse: Tools available under the BEPS Multilateral Instrument
Tax Sovereignty Principle and Its Peaceful Coexistence with Article 12B of the UN MTC
It’s time for the UN to assert itself on tax matters
Time is ripe for DTAA between India and Maldives